Sunday, January 20, 2008


All in all it was a pretty peaceful weekend around here. Hung out on Friday night and Tim and I figured we would go up to Breckenridge today so I got to sleep in yesterday which was nice after a long week at work at least for Spatial standards fixing old problems that have been discovered taking up all my time to work on current tasks that need to be done. I know your workin the old midnight oil hours down there with E&Y Kate so I won't complain to much.

Anywho I finally got back on the bike Saturday as well with about an hour and half on the trainer. It felt super good and I think I am going to be back into it. Gotta get those sit bones back in shape for the riding season. Not to mention I just felt a lot better after being on the bike so it's time to get back at it. Tim and I also got the UFC fight at home so we watched that and Graham came up to join us as well. Sounds like he won't be around to much longer if all goes to plan. He is going to be headin up to Portland at some point to start gettin residency up there to head back to school. Things weren't really workin out for him down here and he had looked at Portland in the first place so it will be good for him.

Today Tim and I did in fact head up to Breckenridge and his friend Alexis came along as well. She actually drove which is a trip let me tell you. I can't look out the front window most of the time. Chick is hell on wheels behind the wheel. Glad the roads were clear or I would have been truly shittin my pants. It is always interesting going with the two of them. We never really seem to get much riding in. First off because we leave later than I would normally like to and secondly Alexis keeps up but she seems to fall behind at times just fiddling around. Today was a prim example. I am even kind of chuckling about it to myself cause I wish I could have been there to see it! We got up to Breck and waited in line forever because of course we got there at like 11 and most people are coming out around then. Then we decided to take the T-Bar up above the tree line... which first off is no easy task for one snowboarder let alone two on the same one. For those of you who don't know what it is I don't really want to explain it at this moment but the lift pulls you up vs riding it like a lift chair. Anyway since there were 3 of us I went up with another skier because the line was so long they were doubling everyone up. That left Alexis and Tim to ride up together. There was no way I was going up with her haha. I had never seen her on a T-Bar so I wasn't going to risk it. Anyway I get to the top and they are no where to be found. I check my phone and of course there is a message they didn't make it up so they were going to head down. I tried to get back to them to see where they would be but they didn't get back right away so I decided to find my line and head down. I made some killer turns above the tree line and got ahold of them saying they decided to grab a beer while they wait! How long did they think I would be I mean seriously! We had only gotten one run in for crying out loud!

So I got down to them and they tried to tell me the T-Bar had broke on them. My response "Bullshit, you guys are lying you totally didn't make it!" I was right. I guess they had looked like total idiots trying to get started on the T-Bar. Tim got the bar behind him but Alexis evidently more or less missed it and got drug like 20 ft before letting go! Then the lifty was like sorry you can't get back on... Expert Terrain only get back in line if you want to go again. So Tim was pissed at that because of course he could have made it if it was me and him or anyone else for that matter. It really isn't easy though so I didn't give Alexis to tough of a time. But man I wish I could have been there to take a picture of those two.

We eventually got over to the other side of the mountain after the two kids finished their beers and we actually got some really good riding in. Tim and I found some good stuff to fly off of and Alexis was working on some good tricks as well. She definitely gets caught up in trying to learn what Tim and I are doing which is good. So yeah it ended up being a pretty decent day on the sunny slopes of Breckenridge.

Alright that's enough ramblings I'll get at you later. Should be a good up coming weekend in Denver since Jessica Moser (Bobby Clase's girlfriend) is coming out for interviews at hospitals on Friday and she is going to be staying with a friend so Graham, Tim, and I are going to meet up with her and have some fun. I'll let you all know how it breaks down!

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